Using Abrasive Blasting to Prepare for a Marine Coating

When it comes to marine structures, whether ships, offshore platforms, or harbours, protection against the harsh marine environment is paramount. One primary defence against corrosion and wear is marine coatings. But before a coating can do its job, it’s essential to have a properly prepared surface. Enter abrasive blasting, a go-to method to ensure marine coatings adhere well and last long.

What is Abrasive Blasting?

Abrasive blasting, sometimes known as sandblasting, is a process where small particles are propelled at high speeds towards a surface. This technique strips off existing paint, rust, and contaminants, providing a clean and roughened surface for better coating adhesion.

Getting to Know the Types of Abrasive Blasting

Dry Abrasive Blasting

This standard method uses compressed air to direct particles to a surface.


Wet Abrasive Blasting

This grit blasting method incorporates water into the process, reducing dust and preventing overheating.

Vacuum Blasting

This method uses suction to collect used abrasive media and contaminants, minimising environmental impact.


Soda Blasting

Soda blasting uses baking soda, a gentler approach for delicate surfaces and environments.

Each method has its unique application and is chosen based on the nature of the job, environmental concerns, and desired finish.

How Abrasive Blasting Works

When the blasting media impacts the surface, its kinetic energy cleans and roughens the substrate. This process creates a profile, a sort of “grip,” on which marine coatings can hold firmly.

Choosing the Right Blasting Media

The medium used can vary depending on the structure’s material and the desired finish. Here are some popular choices:


It is economical but can be harsh on certain surfaces.



It is known for its hardness and suitability for various metals.


Steel Grit

Perfect for aggressive cleaning, it is often used on steel structures.


Walnut Shells

A softer medium, suitable for delicate tasks.

When selecting, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks of each medium.

Staying Safe During Abrasive Blasting

Safety is paramount. Operators should always wear protective equipment, like goggles, gloves, and respirators. Proper ventilation is crucial when working indoors. Regular equipment checks ensure operations run smoothly and safely.

Thinking Green: Environmental Concerns

Dust control is significant, especially when working outdoors. Using methods like wet blasting can reduce airborne particles. Used abrasive materials should be contained and disposed of responsibly, keeping our marine environments pristine.

Checking the Results

After blasting, the surface should be clean, free from contaminants, and have a uniform roughness. Measuring techniques, like surface profile gauges, can also ensure consistency.

Why Use Abrasive Blasting for Marine Structures?

Enhanced Coating Adhesion

A roughened surface means marine coatings can grip better.


Longer Lifespan

Properly prepared surfaces ensure coatings last longer, saving time and money.


Biofouling Prevention

A good coating can prevent marine organisms from latching onto structures.


Boosted Corrosion Resistance

With contaminants removed, coatings can protect the substrate more effectively.

Challenges to Consider

Like any process, abrasive blasting has its challenges. There’s the risk of over-blasting or under-blasting, which can compromise the coating’s effectiveness. It’s vital to ensure the substrate isn’t damaged during the process. Environmental and safety concerns need constant attention, and operational costs can sometimes be a hurdle.

A Real-World Example

Consider a shipping company that found extensive corrosion on one of its cargo ships. Traditional dry blasting methods posed an environmental risk due to the ship’s location. The company opted for vacuum blasting, ensuring contaminants were immediately collected preventing environmental harm. This approach, coupled with a high-quality marine coating, extended the ship’s operational life by several years.

The marine world is unrelenting, with saltwater, wind, and marine organisms always seeking to wear down man-made structures. But with processes like abrasive blasting ensuring that protective coatings adhere correctly, we can keep our marine assets functional and looking their best for years to come.

If you're searching "sandblasting near me", then give us a call right away. Our team of skilled sand blasters are more than ready to answer your inquiries. At Sandblasting Liverpool, we provide top notch sandblasting services to our clients in Liverpool and its surrounding areas. Make sure to save our number to easily reach us in the near future!

Check out our latest GBP update about abrasive blasting.

Sandblasting Liverpool


6F The Glassworks,

36 Vauxhall Road,



United Kingdom

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